Kitchen Tandoori

$ 3,999

Kitchen Tandoori" typically refers to a type of cooking technique and equipment used in Indian cuisine. A tandoor is a traditional clay oven that is used for baking and cooking a variety of foods, especially bread and meats.

Here's how a kitchen tandoor works:

  1. Construction: A tandoor is traditionally made of clay and is shaped like a large, cylindrical pot with a wide mouth. It is usually set into the ground or built into a structure.

  2. Firing: To cook in a tandoor, a fire is lit inside the oven, and it is allowed to burn until the walls of the tandoor become extremely hot. The fire can be fueled by wood, charcoal, or other high-heat sources.

  3. Cooking: Once the tandoor is heated, food is skewered and inserted into the oven through the wide mouth. The intense heat and radiant heat from the walls cook the food quickly and impart a unique smoky and charred flavor.

  4. Types of Dishes: Tandoors are commonly used to cook various types of dishes, including naan (Indian bread), roti, tandoori chicken, kebabs, and other marinated meats. The high heat of the tandoor cooks the food rapidly, sealing in the juices and flavors.

  5. Marinades: Before cooking, meats are often marinated in a mixture of yogurt and spices, which not only adds flavor but also helps to tenderize the meat.

  6. Flavor Profile: Tandoor-cooked dishes are known for their distinctive smoky and charred flavors, along with a slightly crispy texture on the outside and a tender interior.

Tandoori cooking has become popular beyond traditional Indian cuisine and can be found in various restaurants around the world. Many modern kitchen tandoors are electric or gas-fired, offering a convenient w

Aug 17, 2023
Uttar Pradesh
ZIP code
Prem nagar delhi
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